About Our Organization

Faith-based programs in Cabool and Houston, MO, helping men and women rebuild lives after incarceration through recovery, family restoration, and community support, led by Pastor Ken and April Polm.

Providing hope and stability to those who need it the most

At Abundant Grace and Big Boy’s Men’s Ministry, we are committed to providing hope, healing, and a fresh start for men and women transitioning from incarceration back into society. Based in Cabool, MO and Houston, MO, our mission is to restore lives through faith, community, and unconditional support.

Our organization is run by Pastor Ken Polm and his wife, April Polm, who both share a deep passion for helping others rebuild their lives. Ken’s personal story of transformation—overcoming a past marked by criminal behavior and drug addiction—drives his desire to assist those on a similar path. After finding Christ, Ken committed himself to helping people like him experience lasting change through faith and community.

Together, Ken and April have created two life-changing programs:

  • Abundant Grace: A program dedicated to helping women heal, recover, and rebuild their lives.
  • Big Boy’s Men’s Ministry: A safe space for men to reclaim their purpose and grow in faith while breaking free from addiction and past mistakes.

What We Do

Our programs offer more than just a place to stay—we provide a 12 to 18-month faith-based journey tailored to meet the needs of every individual we serve. We focus on:

  • Addiction recovery: Helping individuals break free from substance abuse.
  • Family restoration: Supporting reconciliation with loved ones and healing fractured relationships.
  • Community building: Creating a supportive environment rooted in faith, love, and personal growth.

Through Bible-centered teachings, mentorship, and structured living, our goal is to empower men and women to make positive, lasting changes. We believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and we are here to walk alongside those willing to embrace transformation.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” — 2 Corinthians 5:17

Need help?

If you or someone you know is in need of hope and guidance, we are here to help. At Abundant Grace and Big Boy’s Men’s Ministry, faith is our foundation, love is our message, and healing is our promise.

Pastor Ken Polm

Pastor Ken Polm

Ken Polm is a former drug dealer who found Jesus in prison, transforming his life through faith. Empowered by the Spirit of God, Ken now serves full-time as a passionate minister, doing whatever it takes to help others find hope and freedom.